Monday, February 6, 2017

Get to know the Authors

This week we learned a lot about the different authors of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). I'll share why I think it's important to know the difference, then some awesome examples :)

1. People write differently!  If you learn the way they write, they can be better understood. For example, Matthew gets really excited about fulfilling Old Testament revelations that he overdoes it, and actually makes a mistake by saying that Jesus rode 2 donkeys through Jerusalem instead of 1. OR Isaiah uses a lot of references to the geography around Jerusalem.  Know the geography, better know Isaiah!

2.  It's fun to see different people's personality :)  For example, Luke was a physician, so he adds a lot of info about the human condition (like when Christ heals the man that gets his ear cut off in Luke 22).  He also talks about the Angel in Gethsemane that comforts Christ.  OR how John view Christ without any weakness, so he takes out any weakness shown in other writings.

3.  We can see why thy included things, or why they didn't include things.  For example, John was there with Christ, so adds very personal things (mostly in Jerusalem).  However, Mark was not an eyewitness!  Most of his things are a quick overview of Christ's doings (But not his saying).

We can do the same things in the Book of Mormon!  For example, Jacob must have spent a lot of time with Lehi, because they are both dramatic! On the other hand, Nephi is very... well this is what happened and how you do it, no need for flamboyance :)

Learning about the authors behind the books has really made me appreciate the books more, as well as get more into the stories!  Highly Recommend it :)


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